ESTATE AUCTION for “Jerry & Shirley Ahnstedt”
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 4, 2023…. 10:00 AM
Location: 1025 Collyer St. Longmont, CO. Directions: At Main St. and 9th Ave, go East approx. 7 blocks to Collyer, then go North to auction site. Watch for signs. MAP
Very Partial Listing:
Oak Hoosier kitchen cabinet; Beautiful “Home Comfort” coal and wood cook stove; square oak dining table w/massive turned legs; press-back chairs; Grandfather clock; ornate oak pump organ; upright piano; Eastlake spoon carved high-back bed; Victorian walnut chest and mirrored dresser; oak ice box; fancy antique iron bed; mahogany 7 drawer knee hole desk; round oak dining table w/(6) oak “T” back chairs; round oak coffee table; 1940’s vanity; wicker rocker; carved ½ moon end table; (2) ball & claw foot piano stools; cedar chest; oak gate leg table; Lincoln rocker; 1950’s metal patio chairs; oak fern stand; several antique wall, mantle and kitchen clocks; table lamps; maple twin bed; Queen post bed; small cedar wardrobe; aluminum patio table & chairs;
COLLECTIBLES: Vintage “Atari” game system; vintage “Intellivision” game system; stained glass window; several antique quilts; antelope & mule deer; head mounts; antlers; elk hide; dome top trunk; old Barbie dolls; 1950’s copper cowboy clock; old leather luggage; crocks; graniteware; cast iron cookware; military aviation books; train set; jewelry; turquoise jewelry; watches; Depression glass; Jewel Tea dishes; Haviland china; silverplate; press glass; Victorian era framed fashion prints; other good framed art; fishing gear; Brinkmann stainless grill; camp stove;
TOOLS: Wood lathe and lathe tools; drill press; old Shop Smith; 8” Ryobi bench grinder; electric chainsaw; leaf blower; shop vac; floor jacks; vises; bar clamps; lawn mower; antique tools; hand and hand power tools; ladders; drop cords; live trap; shop supplies and much more too numerous to mention.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: The Ahnstedt’s lived at this home for 59 years! Lots of cool stuff. Don’t miss it! Preview: Day of auction beginning at 8:30 A.M. Like us on Facebook at Niwot Auction Inc. For more info and photos go to our website at TERMS: Cash or good check with proper ID, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express day of auction. 5% Buyers premium. Announcements made auction day take precedence over all others, printed or implied.
(303) 589-4119 or (303) 652-2030