Location: Auction being held at 9595 Nelson Road in Longmont, CO. (The Boulder County Fairgrounds). In Building A. Directions: North of Denver approx. 25 miles on I-25 take exit 235 then west on Hwy 52 approx. 7 miles to 95th. St. (This is the first lighted intersection west of Hwy 287), at 95th go north (right) approx. 4 miles to Boulder County Fairgrounds. Directly across the road from the Home Depot Store. MAP


Matching pair of oak mission stacking lawyer’s bookcases w/leaded glass doors; unusual carved ¼ sawn oak lift seat hall bench; carved oak secretary/bookcase w/stained glass leaded door; claw foot oak china buffet; high-back oak sideboard; 54” mahogany claw-foot split pedestal dining table; 8 mahogany Victorian dining chairs; rare ½ size stacking lawyer’s bookcase w/leaded glass doors; inlaid French curved glass curio cabinet; ; very nice Victorian parlor set; early flip top game table; rare 1880’s ½ size ladies bonnet chest; early pine work bench; early walnut dry sink; (2) pre-1900’s wire park benches; “Clark” oak spool cabinets; step-front oak dish cupboard; Victorian walnut inlaid sewing stand; porcelain barber chair; burled walnut cylinder roll secretary/bookcase; triple door oak bookcase; oak ice box; oak roll-top desk; great selection of highboy chests and mirrored dressers; 4 drawer oak filing cabinet; unusual 2 door oak china cabinet; early pencil poster bed; marble top washstand; circa 1840’s New England drop front desk; cedar chests; trunks; 3pc. cast bistro set; several room size handmade Persian rugs; horned base sofa table; great selection of floor and table lamps.

SLOT MACHINES – COKE MACHINE – COLLECTIBLES: Rare Buckley $1.00 slot machine; Mills High Top  10 cent slot machine; 1960’s 10 cent Coke machine; pair of rare early wooly chaps; porcelain signs; leaded glass windows; small safe; bronze eagle; cowboy bronze; other good western table top bronzes; antique knives; collection of badges; collection of early beer trays; several early oil on canvas portraits and paintings; crocks and stoneware; butter churn; neat old lanterns; old license plates; primitives; advertising items; art glass; art pottery; hand painted china; Grandfather clock; other antique mantel and wall clocks;

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE:  This will be our first antique auction since June, and it will not disappoint! We have 2 very prominent estates included with very high-end quality merchandise and other great items.  Above listing is a very partial listing of the items coming to this auction. Don’t miss it.  The next regular antique auction at the fairgrounds is Sunday October 27, 2024. PREVIEW: day of auction beginning at 9:00 A.M. Like us on Facebook at Niwot Auction Inc. For more info on this and other upcoming auctions go to our website at TERMS: Cash or good check with proper ID, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express day of auction. 5% Buyers premium. Announcements made auction day take precedence over all others, printed or implied.