ESTATE AUCTION for “George Stevens”
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 11, 2023…. 10:00 AM
Location: 1093 S. Coffman St. Longmont, CO. Directions: At the intersection of Hwy 287 and Ken Pratt Blvd. go South on 287 to Jersey Ave., go West on Jersey Ave. one block to S. Coffman St., then left to auction site. Watch for signs. MAP
Very Partial Listing:
2pc. Walnut circa 1930’s bedroom set consisting of mirrored dresser and highboy chest; early pine bucket bench; (2) Eastlake 1880’s lamp tables; Empire oak sideboard; square oak dining table; oak commode; 2 door mahogany bookcase; oak coat tree; 1950’s chrome kitchen table; walnut washstand w/towel bar; Danish Mid-Century modern dresser; mission style oak footstool;
COLLECTIBLES: Several antique children’s sewing machines; spice cabinet; crock; oak wall phone; antique candlestick phone; antique mesh & beaded purses; antique costume jewelry; sterling jewelry; pocket and wrist watches; compasses; collection of antique cameras; collection of music boxes; huge collection of antique radios; many good antique clocks; dolls & doll furniture; oil lamps; antique Christmas; antique children’s books and other antique books; reference books; quilts; antique calendars; graniteware; perfume bottles; train set (N-Guage); “Ralph Aragon” Acoma pottery; antique sewing collectibles; sewing bird;
GLASSWARE: VanBriggle; Flow-Blue; Niloak; Shawnee; Blue Willow; Depression glass; Bing & Grondahl; hand painted china; Bavaria; Royal Copenhagen; large collection of antique children’s dishes; Tea Leaf dishes; etc…
HOUSEHOLD & MISCELLANEOUS: Maple dinette table w/6 chairs; book shelves; chest of drawers; footlockers; 4 drawer file; Yamaha receiver; fishing poles and reels; camp stove; backpacks; hand and hand power tools; luggage; sewing and sewing boxes; pictures and frames; plus much much more;
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Mr. Stevens was a collector of antique clocks and radios, plus so many other neat collectibles. Don’t miss it! Preview: Day of auction beginning at 8:30 A.M. Like us on Facebook at Niwot Auction Inc. For more info and photos go to our website at TERMS: Cash or good check with proper ID, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express day of auction. 5% Buyers premium. Announcements made auction day take precedence over all others, printed or implied.
(303) 589-4119 or (303) 652-2030